Saturday, 6 December 2008

Black and Scholes formula

Here is an implementation of the Black and Scholes formula for simple and digital European options in F#:
//pricing.fs file


open System
open Options

// Abramowitz and Stegun formula for the
// standard normal cumulative distribution

let normalCDF x =
let b1 = 0.319381530
let b2 = -0.356563782
let b3 = 1.781477937
let b4 = -1.821255978
let b5 = 1.330274429
let p = 0.2316419
let c = 0.39894228
let RationalApproximation t =
c * exp( -x * x / 2.0 ) *
t *( t *( t * ( t * ( t * b5 + b4 ) + b3 ) + b2 ) + b1 )
if (x >= 0.0)
then 1.0 - RationalApproximation(1.0 / (1.0 + p * x))
else RationalApproximation(1.0 / (1.0 - p * x))

//Black and Scholes model parameters
type BlackScholesParameters =
{ S0: float; //current underlying price
sigma: float; //volatility
r: float;} //risk free rate

let blackSholesPricing myOption parameters =
match myOption with
| SimpleOption (payoffType, K, T) ->
let d1 = (Math.Log(parameters.S0/K)
+ (parameters.r + 0.5*parameters.sigma**2.0)*T)
/ (parameters.sigma * Math.Sqrt(T))
let d2 = d1 - parameters.sigma * Math.Sqrt(T)
match payoffType with
| Call -> parameters.S0 * normalCDF(d1)
- K * Math.Exp(-parameters.r * T) * normalCDF(d2)
| Put -> K * Math.Exp(-parameters.r * T) * normalCDF(-d2)
- parameters.S0 * normalCDF(-d1)

| DigitalOption (payoffType, K, T) ->
let d2 = (Math.Log(parameters.S0/K)
+ (parameters.r + 0.5*parameters.sigma**2.0)*T)
/ (parameters.sigma * Math.Sqrt(T))
- parameters.sigma * Math.Sqrt(T)
match payoffType with
| Call -> Math.Exp(-parameters.r * T) * normalCDF(d2)
| Put -> Math.Exp(-parameters.r * T) * normalCDF(-d2)

We can now price an option using Black and Scholes formula, and test the convergence of our Monte Carlo pricer:

//exe.fs file


open System
open Options
open Pricing
open MonteCarlo

let pricingParameters = {S0=100.0; sigma=0.19; r=0.06}

let K = 102.5 // Strike
let T = 0.3 // Maturity in years
let option = SimpleOption(Call, K, T)

//BS price
let priceBS = blackSholesPricing option pricingParameters

let monteCarlo = simulPayoffs option pricingParameters.S0
pricingParameters.r T pricingParameters.sigma

//MC price (10,000 simulations)
let priceMC1 = mean (monteCarlo 10000)
//MC price (100,000 simulations)
let priceMC2 = mean (monteCarlo 100000)
//MC price (1,000,000 simulations)
let priceMC3 = mean (monteCarlo 1000000)

//MC relative errors
let error1 = (priceMC1 - priceBS) / priceBS
let error2 = (priceMC2 - priceBS) / priceBS
let error3 = (priceMC3 - priceBS) / priceBS

printf "Black and Scholes price: %f\n" priceBS
printf "Monte Carlo (10,000 simulations) price: %f,
error = %f\n"
priceMC1 error1
printf "Monte Carlo (100,000 simulations) price: %f,
error = %f\n"
priceMC2 error2
printf "Monte Carlo (1,000,000 simulations) price: %f,
error = %f\n"
priceMC3 error3


Black and Scholes price: 3.836593
MC (10,000 simulations) price: 3.784829, error = -0.013492
MC (100,000 simulations) price: 3.883840, error = 0.012315
MC (1,000,000 simulations) price: 3.833737, error = -0.000744